If you wish to create your Desk without a plan, click Add Workspaces. We recommend creating the workspaces with the plan editor, the different types of desk you find below.

You can choose now Desk:

Once the desk is created, click on it

A desk could be a bookable desk, a Hot desk or an allocated desk. If you would like to have a Hot desk, you need to connect a desk sensor to the workspace, detailed information you find here

Settings for a Hot desk (non-bookable desk, anybody is able to use it, just sit down, the sensor is switching the status to red):

Settings for a bookable desk (bookable via https://my.roomz.io/ ):

Settings for an allocated desk (Fix desk used by a single person or a function (Tag)):

Here you can set global if the desk is just not bookable, you could link it with a Tag (for ex. cleaning or broken). If you wish to connect the desk to a specific user, this user should be registered in the system (Login via www.my.ROOMZ.io):

Do not forget to click on save if you change the settings

If you want to add some zones or tags to the workspace, please see here.

If you would like to change the option set, you find more information under the following page