


What is Regions

With Regions, you will be able to have more than one Portal (Child) under a Main organisation (Mother).


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The Mainorganisation contains:

  • Users

  • Domains

In every Region you will find the following:

  • Devices

  • Subscriptions

  • Booking systems

  • Networkprofiles

  • Settings

  • Roles of the user

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The Mainorganisation contains:

  • Users

  • Domains

In every Region you will find the following:

  • Devices

  • Subscriptions

  • Booking systems

  • Networkprofiles

  • Settings

  • Roles of the user

With this construct, you can solve the following scenarios:

  • You have ROOMZ in different locations with different ROOMZ Partner.

  • You are a multinational company, and would like to have a central management for ROOMZ, but every location should have a separate stock of Subscriptions or an own ROOMZ Partner.

  • Your users should not see directly all buildings in myROOMZ.

What is changing with Regions

For a Portal user (Administrator or Workspace manager):

  • If the role of a portal user is set to more than one Region the user can switch the Regions by going to the Region name on top right (1), he will then see all the Regions he has access to (2):



  • The settings will be split between Global and Regional. Some settings are only visible if your role is assigned to all the Regions

For a myROOMZ user

  • The user will have one level more to select Region (first login only) → Building → Floor → space.

  • All myROOMZ user are able to switch between all regions. If they log in for the first time, the user has to select his Region. Later, it is possible to change the region.

    • If the user needs to visit another location, he is able a book there a Desk for him.


Some subscriptions are Regional such as room, desk, parking or huddles. Other subscriptions will be assigned to all regions as soon as one Region order them, these are “global” subscriptions such as Advanced Analytics or myROOMZ

Booking system

Every Region need a separate booking system, but the login credentials could be the same for every Region.

How can we get Regions

If you are interested to get Regions and can answer one of the following questions with yes, please get in touch with our Sales team to check if Regions would be available for you:

  • Do you have more than one ROOMZ Partner for different locations?

  • I have so many buildings created in myROOMZ, but the user does not work in all these buildings

  • In case of a renewal, I need to have a separate bill for different cost centres.

Are there any additional costs?

There are no additional annual costs for the Regions. If you do need a migration (bring an existing building / devices or subscriptions), you should not have any additional costs. If you have already a setting with buildings, and you would like to have these in another Region, there will be might a one-time cost for the migration. Please contact our Sales team to clear all the details.

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