


What is a subscription

ROOMZ provides solutions for optimizing the usage of the workspaces. The solutions are composed of hardware and software products.

The software products are provided as Software As A Service (SAAS) and are available based on a subscription.

A subscription owns the following properties:

  • A start date

  • A end date

  • A collection of software products

One subscription allows the organization to use a collection of software products during a period of time.

Software Products

The following subscriptions are available:

  • Room

  • Desk

  • Huddle

  • Parking Space

  • Advanced Analytics


    • For SME

    • Global

  • Server On-Premise

Room, Desk, Huddle and Parking Spaces are workspace that your organization owns.

Advanced Analytics is a tool allowing the better understand how the workspaces are booked and utilized.

MyROOMZ is an application designed for the employees.

Server On-Premise allows to use ROOMZ in an On-Premise environment. 

How to obtain a subscription

A subscription for a software product can be obtained in the following situation:

  • By registering a device. (e.g. A ROOMZ Display is generally associated with a room subscription. When registering a ROOMZ Display, a new room subscription will be created.)

  • By buying through your ROOMZ Partner

Registration Process

In order to avoid having a list of several subscriptions with one software product, it is highly recommended to register all your devices at once, in order to have only one subscription with all software product included.

Where do I see my subscriptions

When logged on your ROOMZ Portal, the subscription of your organization are available under Setup → Subscriptions:


Each entry represents a subscription for a collection of software product available for a period of time. The list is sorted by next expiry.

Renewal process

The renewal of your subscription must be done through your ROOMZ Partner. It is highly recommended to process to an alignment before doing the renewal, in order to avoid administrative tasks.

Subscription alignment

As you can see on the previous picture, by having several subscription, you might have several expiry date. Renewing all subscriptions one by one could generate a lot of administrative works. In order to simplify this, it is possible to merge all subscription into only one subscription.


The schema below represents the main principle of the alignment. 

  • before represents the current situation. There are 3 subscriptions, with different start date and end date

  • today represents the day where the alignment will be executed

  • aligned expiry represents the computed expiry date 

  • after represents the situation after the alignment process

  • new - merged represents a new subscription containing all software products with as start date today and as expiry date, the alignment date

On today all existing subscriptions will be cancelled and a new subscription will be created including all software products with a new computed expiry date.

Aligned expiry date computation

The algorithm is inspired on the Center of Gravity algorithm.

Subscriptions with the same software product type

Same quantity

Let's imagine the following two subscriptions:

  • Subscription 1

    • Start date: 01.01.2020

    • End date: 01.01.2021

    • Software products

      • 1x room

  • Subscription 2

    • Start date: 01.01.2021

    • End date: 01.01.2022

    • Software products

      • 1x room

Take the 1st expiry date as reference. In our example, this is 01.01.2021.

Then, subtract the expiry date of all subscriptions by the 1st expiry date. You will obtain the delta of days (Δd) for each subscription.

  • Subscription 1 : 0

  • Subscription 2: 365

Because you have the exact same number of software product, you can simply compute the alignment date by computing the average:

  • (0 + 365) / 2 = 183 days

Taking the reference date (01.01.2021), the aligned expiry date is 01.01.2021 + 183 days → 03.07.2021.

By applying the alignment process, the two existing subscription will be cancelled today. and a new one will be created with:

  • start date: today

  • end date: 03.07.2021

  • Software products

    • 2x room

Different quantity

The previous example can be represented with the following schema:

  • m1 represents the subscription 1 with 1 room

  • m2 represents the subscription 2 with 1 room

  • 0 - 365 represents the delta of days


The goal of the algorithm is to find the position of Δ, with is the center of gravity.

Let's take the following scenario:

  • Subscription 1

    • Start date: 01.01.2020

    • End date: 01.01.2021

    • Software products

      • 2x room

  • Subscription 2

    • Start date: 01.01.2021

    • End date: 01.01.2022

    • Software products

      • 1x room

It can be represented by the following schema:

Intuitively, you can imagine that the center of gravity will go on the left.

As we have always the same software product type, we only have to integrate the number (n) of product in our algorithm.

The center of gravity can now be computed using the following formula:

Concretely, this means:

  • ((2 room x 0 days) + (1 room x 365 days) ) / (2 room + 1 room) = 122 days → 03.05.2021

Handling different software product types

From the previous example, we want to be able to find the aligned expiry date of several subscriptions containing several software product types.

The key change between room or desk is the price (or the price ratio). In order to find the alignment date, the price must be integrated into our algorithm:

Let's take the following scenario:

  • Subscription 1

    • Start date: 01.01.2020

    • End date: 01.01.2021

    • Software products

      • 1x room

      • 1x desk

  • Subscription 2

    • Start date: 01.01.2021

    • End date: 01.01.2022

    • Software products

      • 1x room

It can be represented by the following schema:


By taking the following fake prices:

  • room: 200 per year

  • desk: 100 per year

The aligned expiry date is

  • ((1 x 200 x 0) + (1 x 100 x 0) + (1 x 200 x 365)) / (1 x 200 + 1 x 100 + 1 x 365) = 110 days → 21.04.2021

Yearly alignment

In the previous examples, we took all the existing subscriptions and we merge them into a single one.

Now, due to budget planing reason, we decided to merge together only the subscriptions having the same expiry year (e.g. from 01.01.2021 to 31.12.2021). Thank to that, you will have up to one subscription expiry per year.