ROOMZ Server On-Premise

ROOMZ Server On-Premise


Roomz Server On-Premise VS Cloud :


Here is an overview of the key distinctions:


ROOMZ Server in the Cloud:

  • Swift deployment, with the ability to configure your ROOMZ screens within minutes.

  • Faster access to new features.

  • Server ROOMZ updates managed by our team.

  • ROOMZ screen updates managed by our team.

  • Ongoing maintenance provided by our team.


  • Localized on-site server.

  • No access to our myROOMZ solution.

  • Inability to utilize Single Sign-On (SSO) with services such as Microsoft Online or Google Workspace.

  • Restrictions on the development of new features.

  • Additional costs for subscription, virtual machine, Windows license, and human maintenance.

  • Self-management of firmware updates on the devices.

  • Increased complexity in problem-solving due to limited access to information.

  • Limited analytical capabilities.