Nearby desks

Nearby desks



With the function “Nearby desks” you are able to block the booking of other desks near a booked desk. As an example, it was used in the COVID-19 pandemic to restrict people from booking desks next to each other for social distance restrictions.

How to create nearby desks blocking

You need to configure every desk individually. By default, all the desks are blue (bookable)

If you click on your preferred desk, it turns red (chosen desk - bookable). To block the other desks you can click on it and they’ll turn to white (blocked / not bookable)

You can also just block one desk and leave the other one.

On the right, you’ll have the overview of your setup. Click on the bottom on “save” to finalize the setup


Impacts on myROOMZ

If you book the preferred desks, the other ones will be blocked according to your setup

How to remove the blocking

To remove the blocking setup, just click on the blocked desks to make them blue again and click on save

Maximum Desk availability

With this function, you can choose the general booking availability in percent of desks of the preferred building level