Sensor (FAQ)

Sensor (FAQ)

The ROOMZ sensor is connected to our ROOMZ server and gets once per day his “Action Plan” including the planned meeting timeframes. From the meeting start the sensor will check the first 15min. (time is adjustable) if there is any movement in the room. If there is no movement, the meeting is considered as “Ghost-Meeting” and the sensor will send the logs to the ROOMZ server who will release the meeting so the room will be “Free” again. In addition you can view the sensor data in our basic and advanced analytics, as example you’ll have information like “Room booked but not used” or “Room not booked but used” and more.

For more information visit https://roomz.io/


If you followed the mentioned steps and still face the same issue, feel free to contact us under Contact

What does the blinking LEDs mean when switching on the Sensor?

  1. First double LED > Startup succeeded

  2. First single LED > Battery check (green, orange, red)

  3. Second single LED > Network + Server check (green connect ok, orange connect to server failed, red connect to WiFi failed)

  4. Second double LED > Detection check

If the connection to the server takes too long, the 3. single LED might not show and skip directly to the 4. double LED detection check. This usually means the connection failed. Check with ROOMZTools Terminal what is the problem / why the connection is slow.

Is the Sensor detecting other stuff or recording conversations?

No, the sensors detect mainly movement, there is components to detect the noise level and humidity of the environment but no conversations or else are recorded. More information under following link ROOMZ Sensors

EMC / Radiation from ROOMZ Sensor

ROOMZ products conform 100% to all the valid EMC-standards, in Switzerland and European Union. The declaration of conformity is available to download under https://roomz.io/conformity/

Some further details:

  • The measurement principle is infrared passive and does not cause any radiation (no radar measurements!)

  • The connection to our server runs over WiFi and is extremely “low power” and energy-saving. The autonomy is therefore over 3 years with a small battery

  • An average of 10 connections with the server are made per day, each connection takes about 3-5 seconds. This corresponds to an extremely low duty cycle of only 0.05%. For the remaining time (i.e. 99.95%) the WiFi module of the sensor is completely switched off

  • A WiFi connection is only established when the state of the desk changes, i.e. from “free” to “occupied” or the opposite. If a worker remains seated at the desk, no regular connections are created

  • The radiation power of the WiFi module in operation is about 20 times lower than that of a smartphone

Does the auto-release function delete the whole series of recurring meetings?

If an “auto-release” takes place, the appointment in the room calendar is shortened to the release time and the room is released again. For series appointments, only the current appointment is adjusted


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