To log-in, you can open my.roomz.io and choose to sign in with Microsft, Google or a specific Roomz Connector
If it is your first time on myRoomz, please go to “Create “Create a new account”account”. You will be able to sign up via the connector setup by your Roomz administrators (In your organisation).
How to log-in?
To log-in, you can open http://my.roomz.io and choose to sign in with Microsft, Google or a specific Roomz Connector
I can not connect
Please, be sure you are using your company email addresses to connect. If you are using your private computer / phone, you might be logged with your private address. If it is the case, you first need to log-out.
As mentioned above, if it is your first time on myRoomz, please go to “Create a new account”. You will be able , you have to sign up via the connector setup by your Roomz administrators (In your organisation)-up first in order to connect.
Your administrator might not have set up the Microsoft, Google or Roomz connector. Please contact her/him to know which connector you are allowed to use.
Your administrator might not have set up the self-sign-up and he has to create your user in the Roomz Portal.