Here you have a overview over the workspace by categories the numbers are the numbers of workspaces, not the number of no-shows.
In the overall section you see a % of the bookings (depend on the filter settings) were detected as no-shows.
For meeting rooms we see a typical rate from around 10%
In the
weekly profile
you are able to so how the no-shows are during the week. (The data is aggregated for all day's in the selected period)In this example, we see clearly that the we have more no-shows around the end of the week.
In the
monthly profile
you are able to see how the no-shows are over the months. (if you have selected more than one year the date will be aggregated for the months, in the example above we have for Jan, Feb and Marc an aggregation of two years data)In the
selected time period
you are able to see the data over the selected time periodIn the
, you can compare the selected buildings or floors if you open a building with the+
.If you have set tags you will see the differences on the tags here as well.