The measurement principle is infrared passive and does not cause any radiation (no radar measurements!)
The connection to our server runs over WiFi and is extremely “low power” and energy-saving. The autonomy is therefore over 3 years with a small battery
An average of 10 connections with the server are made per day, each connection takes about 3-5 seconds. This corresponds to an extremely low duty cycle of only 0.05%. For the remaining time (i.e. 99.95%) the WiFi module of the sensor is completely switched off
A WiFi connection is only established when the state of the desk changes, i.e. from “free” to “occupied” or the opposite. If a worker remains seated at the desk, no regular connections are created
The radiation power of the WiFi module in operation is about 20 times lower than that of a smartphone
Does the auto-release function delete the whole series of recurring meetings?
If an “auto-release” takes place, the appointment in the room calendar is shortened to the release time and the room is released again. For series appointments, only the current appointment is adjusted