Advanced Analytics subscription (contact Sales if you wish a demo)
Sensors for the workspaces needing to be analysed (Room, Desk)
Booking system for the workspaces needing to be analysed:
Room: customer booking system
Desk: myROOMZ
Parking space: myROOMZ
The data for this Dashboard comes from the Sensors and the booking systems (myROOMZ and the client’s room booking system). We only analyse occupancy data on the selected working days between the selected working hours (These can be changed in the building details). Data outside this period is currently not taken into account. This dashboard shows ‘no-shows’, and it is a comparison between the sensor data and the bookings.
On most ‘no-shows’, you will see the workspaces with the most and least ‘no-shows’.
If you have more than one floor in the selection, you are able to switch the floor using the navigation. Also, you can zoom in/out.
Using this view of the floorspace, you will easily see the workspaces where there are the most ‘no-shows’.
Average values
Over all, customer using Ad. Analytics we have currently the following averages values of No-Shows:
Desk: 14.2% of the bookings are no-shows
Room: 17% of the bookings are no-shows
This gives us a total of 14.8% No-Show rate over all spaces.