Microsoft 365 / Exchange Online (FAQ)

Microsoft 365 / Exchange Online (FAQ)


If you followed the mentioned steps and still face the same issue, feel free to contact us under Contact

How to renew the client secret (For application permission)

Error Message : ClientSecretCredential authentication failed: A configuration issue is preventing authentication - check the error message from the server for details.

If you receive this error message during the resource connection test, you need to create a new client secret :

Go to your application in the Microsoft Azure / Entra ID portal and click on certificates & secrets :


  1. Delete the old one:

  2. Generate a new one by clicking on the button:


In graphical mode, you are limited to a maximum of 2 years, as per Microsoft's recommendation. You can use the following command line to extend beyond 2 years (You need to modify the values in bold):

New-AzureADApplicationPasswordCredential -ObjectId YourObjectID -CustomKeyIdentifier Roomz -Value $secret -StartDate (Get-Date) -EndDate (Get-Date).AddYears(5)

  1. Next, make sure to carefully copy the key value and replace it with the old one:

We want to have a connector with Multi-Factor-Authentication (MFA)

You can use our connector with Delegation Permission: Microsoft 365 (Delegation Permission)

Share a resource with external persons

If you want to share one or more resources with an external person you can create an iCal link and allow external bookings:

  • Create an iCal link:
    To publish a room resource by iCal you need to have access to the Exchange online PowerShell module

    You can use the following command to publish the resource for one year:

    Adjust the identity with the Mail of the room.

    Set-MailboxCalendarFolder -Identity room@myorganization.com:\calendar -PublishEnabled $true -DetailLevel Full -PublishDateRangeTo OneYear -PublishDateRangeFrom OneYear

    To get the link of the share, you need the following command:

    Get-MailboxCalendarFolder -Identity room@myorganization.com:\calendar
  • Allow bookings from outside:
    For all resources:

    Only for one resource:

Once you have done this, you can share the iCal link with an external person. The external people can then invite the meeting room as attendee. The room will then accept the booking (if it is free) and the ROOMZ display will also show the appointment correctly.

Please note that if you enter the meeting in the shared calendar, the room will not be booked. The room must be invited to the meeting as a participant. Otherwise, the meeting is only entered in Outlook


For Outlook client users, if you receive an error when adding the calendar, please follow these steps; otherwise, the calendar will not be displayed:

  1. In Outlook, select File >Account Settings >Account Settings.  You will see a list of your email accounts.

  2. Select the Microsoft Exchange account that you use to manage someone else's calendar and choose Change...

  3. Choose More Settings, followed by the Advanced tab.

  4. Uncheck the checkbox next to: Turn on shared calendar improvements, see the print screen below:



  1. Restart Outlook and try again to add the calendar.

I have added a new resource in the Roomz portal, but it does not communicate, whereas the previous ones communicate correctly

When adding a new resource in the Roomz portal, Roomz may not have access to the resource. Follow these steps to resolve the issue:

1. If you are using Delegation

If you are in delegation mode, you need to grant full access to the room to the user logged into the Roomz portal. Please refer to the following documentation point : Microsoft 365 (Delegation Permission) | 3️⃣ Access rights & calendar information

2. If you are using Application Mode

If you are in application mode, you must add the new room to the appropriate security group, as detailed in the documentation at point : Microsoft 365 (Application Permission Security group) | 4️⃣ Add a new resource to the Mail enabled security group

How to install PowerShell on Mac

  1. Open the terminal over Spotlight with cmd+space > terminal

  1. You need to install Homebrew

2b. If after the installation you have “Next Steps” on the bottom, run the commands mentioned. If not continue with 3.

  1. You can continue with installing PowerShell

  1. You can start PowerShell



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