Roles per Region

Roles per Region



The Userlist is global and for all regions the same, if you wish more informations about it please see the folowing page: 1- Account creation, invite users

As soon as you have one or more Regions in your company you can assign a role to a “scope”. The scope could be one single region or as well two or all regions. If a user is in all regions we speake in the scope from Global.



Switch the Region for a user with more than one Region assigned

As soon as a User have more than one Region assigned he is able to switch the Region by selecting on top right the company name:



In this printscreen you see the user is in 3 Regions assigned and the Region he is current in is marked in grey.

Creation and edit of a user

This works more or less in the same way as it works for a “single” Portal. For a Manager or an Adminrole you will have now the possibilty to select to whitch scope (Region) the user should have access. Rember, only an Admin of the Region can add the Region to the scope of an other user.

Ex. an Admin of Region A and B can add a new admin for Reion A or B or both, but not for Region C. Only a global (admin of all the regions) can assigne any region to any user.

