Parking space

Parking space


Bookable Parking

If you wish to create your parking space without a plan, click Add Space. We recommend creating the spaces with the plan editor, the different types of parking space you find below.

You can choose now parking space:

Once the parking space is created, click on it

A parking space could be a bookable or an allocated parking space.

Settings for a bookable parking space (bookable via myROOMZ ):


Allocated parking

Settings for an allocated parking space (Fix slot used by a single person or a function (Tag)), you can select the day’s of allocation. The parking space will be a bookable parking space on the days that are not selected. The user is able to release his parking slot if he is not using it (See our User guide for more information):

Here you can set global if the parking space is just not bookable, you could link it with a Tag (for ex. cleaning). If you wish to connect the slot to a specific user, this user should be registered in the system (Login via www.my.ROOMZ.io):

In the setting above, the parking space is allocated for the user Christoph Witzemann on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the other days the parking space is bookable via myROOMZ

Do not forget to click on save if you change the settings

If you want to add some zones or tags to the space, please see here.

Anonymous Parking

Settings for an anonymous parking, the parking is shown with a red status in myROOMZ and/or the live plan and isn’t bookable. This type could be used for example if the parking isn’t available or needs to be blocked for other reasons.

How to invite and allocate a user + how to allocate an existing user

  • To invite and allocate a user, click on “add user” and enter the name and email, only your domain is supported

  • To allocate an existing user, search for the name and once shown below click to add