Basic requirement for the dashboard
Advanced Analytics subscription (contact Sales if you wish a demo)
Sensors for the workspaces needing to be analysed (Room, Desk)
Booking system for the workspaces needing to be analysed:
Room: customer booking system
Desk: myROOMZ
Parking space: myROOMZ
Where does the data come from
The data for this Dashboard comes from the Sensors and the booking systems (myROOMZ and the client’s room booking system). We only analyse occupancy data on the selected working days between the selected working hours (These can be changed in the building details). Data outside this period is currently not taken into account. This dashboard shows ‘no-shows’, and it is a comparison between the sensor data and the bookings.
In the dashboard we show %, this relates to how many events are detected as ‘no-shows’. (e.g. 10% means one out of 10 events are detected as a ‘no-show’)
Definition of a ‘No-Show’
‘No-Show’ data is only available for desk and meeting room workspaces:
Desk: a ‘no show’ for a desk is reported if the sensor does not detect a presence during a booked time period; Full day (0:00 to 23:59) or half day (0:00 to 11:59 / 12:00 to 23:59). A desk which is allocated to a specific person is regarded and analysed as a full-day booked desk.
Meeting room: a ‘no-show’ is reported if no presence is detected for the entire duration of the meeting, or the meeting cancelled by an auto-release feature
Huddle room: a ‘no-show’ is not possible as a Huddle space is not bookable.
Parking Space: as a parking space does not have a sensor, we are not able to see if there was a ‘no-show’.
Organization view
If you have set your Filters, you will be able to see a report similar to the one below. Clicking on Organisation on the top bar prompts the report to change, showing you only the selected data:
Here you have an overview of the workspaces by category, the numbers are the numbers of workspaces, not the number of ‘no-shows’.
In the
overall section
you will see a % of the bookings (depend on the filter settings) that were detected as 'no-shows'.For meeting rooms we see a typical rate from around 10%
In the
weekly profile
you will see how the 'no-shows' appear during the week. (The data is aggregated for all days in the selected period, over the weeks or months selected.)In this example, we see clearly that the we have more ‘no-shows’ towards the end of the week.
In the
monthly profile
you will see how the 'no-shows' occur over the months. (If you have selected more than one year, the data will be aggregated for the months, in the example above, we have two years' of data aggregated for Jan, Feb and March)In the
selected time period
, you are able to see the data over the selected time period, up to maximum of two years.In the
, you can compare the selected buildings or floors by opening the building data with the +.If you have set tags , you will see data relating to them reported here too.
You are able to expand every part of the report separately by opening the details with a right mouse click (select show as a table
You will now see a larger view with the exact numbers for each section:
Floor view
On the top bar, if you change the view to Floor, some details of the report will change:
On most ‘no-shows’, you will see the workspaces with the most and least ‘no-shows’.
If you have more than one floor in the selection, you are able to switch the floor using the navigation. Also, you can zoom in/out.
Using this view of the floorspace, you will easily see the workspaces where there are the most ‘no-shows’.