Microsoft Exchange - On-Premise

This documentation is only valid for Exchange On-Premise. Looking for Exchange Online - Office365 ?



The ROOMZ Display gets its information from a ROOMZ Server. This ROOMZ Server is accessible using a browser and allows the facility manager handling the configuration of the displays. The ROOMZ Server can interact with several sources of data, such as Microsoft Exchange. The communication between the ROOMZ Server and Microsoft Exchange is done using EWS

This documentation is valid for the following version of Exchange:

  • Microsoft Exchange 2019

  • Microsoft Exchange 2016

  • Microsoft Exchange 2013 SP1

  • Microsoft Exchange 2010 SP3

Create a ROOMZ user

The ROOMZ Server will read and write information with the meeting room's calendar on Microsoft Exchange using EWS. We highly recommend to create a specific ROOMZ user in your Exchange infrastructure for this purpose.

A new user can be created using the Exchange Admin Center. This is generally accessible reaching the following URL: 
Then, click on recipients → mailboxes → + → User mailbox

Here, the user is named roomz-manager:

The user could also be imported for the existing Active Directory. In the end, please ensure the ROOMZ user is listed under mailboxes 

Manage rooms resources

Microsoft Exchange is managing the rooms as resources. The list of resources is readable using the Exchange Admin Center ( The following steps are only required for the creation of new rooms. 

A new room can be added by clicking on recipients → resources → + → Room mailbox:

Here, the room is named my-room:

Access rights & calendar information

The following commands have to be executed using the Exchange Management Shell on the Exchange server with admin rights. Once executed, it might take up to 15 minutes before being effective.

The roomz-manager needs to manipulate data from the room's calendar. You can either use the full access rights command described below, or use impersonation.

We highly recommend using Option1: impersonation for scalability, performance and maintenance reasons

Option 1: Impersonation (to be executed once), replace "roomz-manager" with the name of your ROOMZ user

New-ManagementScope -Name "RoomzScope" -RecipientRestrictionFilter {RecipientTypeDetails -eq "RoomMailbox"} New-ManagementRoleAssignment -Role ApplicationImpersonation -User roomz-manager -CustomRecipientWriteScope "RoomzScope"

Option 2: Full Access Rights (to be executed for all meeting rooms), replace "roomz-manager" with the name of your ROOMZ user and "my-room" with the name of your meeting room

Add-MailBoxPermission my-room -User roomz-manager -AccessRights FullAccess -InheritanceType All

Outgoing IP address

The outgoing IP address used in order to communicate with the booking systems is the following :

If your IT infrastructure requires it, make sure to allow this IP address to communicate with your booking system.

See more : Outgoing IP Address - ROOMZ Support - Wiki (

Meeting Title & Private Flag


By default, when a user is sending an invitation for reserving a meeting room, Exchange will only store the name of the organizer in the agenda of the meeting room. The meeting's title and the private flag are not stored.

This is the result you will get on a ROOMZ Display, if no setup is changed: 

If you want to show the meeting title, the following PowerShell command has to be executed for each room. When the meeting is considered as 'private', the title of the meeting will be replaced by 'Reserved' on the ROOMZ Display. 

(Adapt the parameter "" to the email address of the desired meeting room)

Get-Mailbox -Identity "" | Set-CalendarProcessing -AddOrganizerToSubject $false -DeleteSubject $false -RemovePrivateProperty $false

The following command allows applying the parameter to all rooms :

Once executed, this command will only be effective for the new meetings. When new meeting rooms are created, this command has to be executed again.
Make sure to activate “Show meetings titles” in the menu. From default, the titles are deactivated:

The title of the upcoming meetings will then be shown:

When a meeting is private, the display will show the information as follows :

Create the booking system in the ROOMZ Portal


  1. Login to the ROOMZ Portal and navigate to Global Settings - Booking system and select add booking system, there you select Exchange:



  1. Fill in all the information :





  1. Choose your version of the Exchange server.

  2. Enter the address of your server.
    The address should be of the type:

  3. Optional field.
    Depending on your server configuration, this field can be left blank.

  4. Enter the username.
    Use the username created in step 2.

  5. Enter the account password.

  6. For more information: Microsoft Exchange/365 - Show images - ROOMZ Support - Wiki (

  7. Activate the parameter : If you used option 1 in step , please activate this parameter.








  1. Click on Add Resource and fill in the Name of the Resource, and the Resource ID (email address of the meeting room).

 You can click Test all and check the correct setup of your connector.

Everything’s green ? Great !

Something’s not working ? Just click on the Status Indicator to know more about the error

In case of an error, you can easily Edit your Resource and test the connectivity again

Once all the tests are OK you can move on to the next step !

Next Step


4 - Device Registration