4 - Connection to the Wi-Fi

4 - Connection to the Wi-Fi



Here we explain to you, how you can define or update the Wi-Fi configuration of your devices.

We have three methods that work with an Android phone, Windows 10 / 11 PC and currently one method for Apple environments/Mac/iPhone.

If you are an Apple only user, and cannot temporarily organize one of the mentioned devices above, please continue with method 3.

Requirements for the network

Our devices need direct access to https://api.roomz.io on Port 443. If you are using a proxy server, please authorize the flow to this address to establish communication with our server.

We recommand you to create an isolate network with WPA2 Personal (PSK) for our ROOMZ Devices, this network should only allow connections to https://api.roomz.io on port 443. For other Wi-Fi authentications, please see the following page: Technical specifications

Method 1 ROOMZ Tools - NFC

You can define or update the Wi-Fi configuration via the NFC chip built into your phone and our ROOMZ devices.


Further video explanation → Using NFC


Method 2 ROOMZ Tools - recommended

You can define, update and troubleshoot the Wi-Fi configuration/connection and use additional features. The connection is made over a Micro USB cable, make sure to have a cable with data transmission capabilities.


  • Windows computer

  • Micro USB Cable with data wires

  • Installed ROOMZ Tools App - ROOMZTools

  • Administrator account of the device owner

Further explanation → Using ROOMZTools v2

Method 3 OTA-Update (Over-the-Air-Update)

You can define or update the Wi-Fi configuration over network update. The connection is made over a temporary Wi-Fi or hotspot.


  • Available network with SSID: ROOMZ Password: 12345678

    • Can come from a Hotspot or created on the controller.

  • The ROOMZ devices needs to be new, otherwise another network can be on the devices and the connection will not work.

  • Access as an Administrator to the ROOMZ Portal

Further explanation Using an network / OTA update










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