ROOMZ Infrastructure overview
The ROOMZ infrastructure is composed of 3 parts:
Booking System
The booking system is what you are currently using for managing the reservation of your meeting rooms. As ROOMZ will use your existing booking system, you can continue working as usual and additionally use the ROOMZ Displays as a new way to interact with your meeting rooms. The information is collected by the ROOMZ Server. The ROOMZ Server owns several connector types such as Microsoft365 or Exchange (see the complete list of supported booking systems).
ROOMZ Server
The ROOMZ Server is the bridge between the booking system and the ROOMZ Displays. It is a web application where you are able to:
specify the connection parameters to the booking system
assign the agenda of a room to a ROOMZ Display
configure the options of the ROOMZ Displays (e.g. language, format, functions, ...)
see analytics data about the usage for your meeting rooms
You can decide to use the existing and ready to use ROOMZ Server in the cloud, or install it within your network infrastructure.
The ROOMZ Server in the cloud has the following advantages:
The server is ready to use and your ROOMZ Displays can be configured in minutes
The new features will be available more quickly than the on-premise variant
We are managing the ROOMZ Server update
We are managing the ROOMZ Display update
We are managing the maintenance
The ROOMZ Server can be installed on a machine (can be virtualized) within the company's infrastructure. The main advantage is that the data are not going outside your company's network.
Limitation On-Premise Server
No access to our myROOMZ solution
No possibility to use SSO (Microsoft Online or Google Workspace)
No new development
Additional costs for subscription, VM, Windows license and human mintenance time
Customer must manage firmware updates on the devices
Harder to solve issues, due to limited access to the information
Limited analytics
ROOMZ Devices
The Devices are 100% cable-free solutions. They will communicate with the ROOMZ Server using the existing Wi-Fi infrastructure over HTTPS only. The ROOMZ Display will download an image generated by the ROOMZ Server and will display it. The display does not know anything about the content of the image.