IBM Domino

IBM Domino



The ROOMZ display gets its information from a ROOMZ server. This ROOMZ server is accessible using a web browser and allows the facility manager to map the screen with the appropriated calendar's room. The Roomz API serves as gateway between the Roomz server and the Rooms & Reservation System of IBM Domino. No configurations are stored within the Roomz API database. The entire configuration is given by the definitions in the Domino Directory and the individual resource databases. Since Roomz does not only support Notes / Domino, some features of Notes / Domino are not supported or configured by the Roomz Server.

Gateway Functionality / REST API

The Roomz API application must be hosted on an IBM Domino server with HTTP task enabled. The Roomz API was tested under Domino version 9.0.1 (with Version 12 no issues are known). Using the URL:

https://<yourServer>.<yourDomain.xx>/<path to the nsf>/roomz.nsf/services.xsp/api/roomz/v1.0

provides the Roomz API with a REST interface for the Roomz server. The Roomz Server accesses the REST API with a defined technical user using username/password authentication. All requests to the corresponding resource databases are always made in the context of the technical user.

The technical user must have the following access rights:


Access rights



Access rights


Roomz API (this application)


  • Create Document

The Roomz user creates a log for each call and documents errors as documents



Tab Advanced:

Maximum Internet name and password: Editor (Minimum)

IBM Domino Directory


The Roomz user reads all resource database information from the Domino Directory


Tab Advanced:

Maximum Internet name and password: Reader (Minimum)

Resource DB


  • Create Document

  • Delete Document

The Roomz user reads the appointments for the configured rooms.

If activated on the Roomz Server, the Roomz user can spontaneously reserve the room or release the reservation.


Tab Advanced:

Maximum Internet name and password: Reader (Minimum)

All actions are always performed with the access rights of the technical user

Access rights of the servers / Signer ID

If the resources DB's are not on the same server as the Roomz API, the server with the Roomz API must be entered as Trusted Server on the servers where the resources DB are hosted (Server document). The application must be signed with an ID that can execute XPages / Java code (see picture).

Allocation Roomz Server / Roomz API

The Roomz API is written on the common base of various resource management systems. For this reason, the version 1.0 specification does not cover all the features of IBM Domino, resp. some functionalities are mapped in the Roomz Server and are not supported by the API. 
Therefore this can be defined in the Roomz Server:

  1. Whether a room can be booked spontaneously. This option is also available for managed resources. This means that spontaneous booking cannot be activated for rooms managed by room administrators.

  2. Releasing a room if the meeting was shorter.This option is also available in the Roomz Server. To do this, the technical user must have author rights to the resource.


  1. Copy Roomz API based on the template as a new application to the application server.

  2. Sign Roomz API with a Signer ID.

  3. Register the technical user and assign an HTTP password. The technical user does not need a user ID.

  4. Authorize the Technical user to access the Domino Directory, the Roomz API and the resource databases.

  5. Enter URL, username and password in Roomz Server.

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