
Create a User in TOPDesk

Create a User and give the user read rights in TOPDesk


Go to the Portal and navigate to Settings – > Bookingsystem, click on + Add Bookingsystem:


Define the name of the connector, and add the URL and the credentials:

  • Provide the URL of the space you want to connect, e.g.

  • Paste Username and password

  • Click 'Save.'



Add resources

Fetching resources:

  • Click on the booking system

  • On the top right, click on fetch resources

In the window that appears, you have the option to use the names of your resources as they are in Cobot by toggling Overwrite, or you can give your resources unique names in ROOMZ by clicking 'Keep'.

To keep things familiar for your members, we recommend using the Overwrite toggle. Once you’ve made your selection, click 'FETCH RESOURCES.'

If you are unable to fetch resources, you’ll need to '+ ADD RESOURCE' and manually provide the name and ID of each resource.

Once you’ve added your resources, click 'TEST ALL' in your ROOMZ portal:

If all of your resources are connected successfully, they will each have a green circle in their row.