Polling Interval

Polling Interval

Under Setup - Global Settings - Technical and tools, you can adapt the Polling Interval

It defines for Displays the maximum amount of time between 2 communications with the server.
If a known meeting will start or end before this interval, the next communication will be aligned to the start or end of the meeting.

The Polling Interval can be set between 15 minutes and 2 hours under Global Setting.

With a polling interval of 30 minutes, for example, the display will connect during office days and office hours:

  • Every 30 minutes with the server

  • Every time a meeting is starting

  • Every time a meeting is ending

  • Every time with a user interaction (Instant book / Release / manual refresh)

The only meetings which won’t be visible on a display would be the one set 30 minutes before the meeting start.

Of course, changing the polling interval has an impact on the battery. Our experience shows in general:

  • Pooling interval of 1 & 2 hours → 4 years battery lifetime is possible

  • Pooling interval of 30 minutes → 3 years battery lifetime is possible

  • Pooling interval of 15 minutes → 2 years battery lifetime is possible