Google Workspace (Delegation)



With our connector Delegation for Google Workspace, we connect with a User to your Google Workspace. Therefore, you need to create a user and you have to accept some scopes.

Create a user and share the resources

  1. To create a user, login with your Google Workspace Admin to and navigate to “Directory - User”:

  1. Click on Add new user and create a User to log in to the portal. We recommand to name the user ROOMZ Manager.

  2. Go to “Your Calendar” by connecting to:

  3. Search for “Other Calendars” on the left side of the screen, and click on the + to “Browse Resources”.

2023-07-27 14_52_03-Setza SA - Calendar - Browse resource calendars.png
  1. Click on the room's name on the left of the screen and open “Share with specific people or groups”

Under “Integrate calendar you will find the calendar ID you will need this later to connect the resource with the portal.

  1. Click on “Add people and groups”you will arrive at this page: 


  2. Share the room with the email address of the user created before. Make sure to select “Make changes to events”.

  3. Repeat these steps for each resource

Create the booking system in the ROOMZ Portal

  1. Login to the ROOMZ Portal and navigate to Global Settings - Booking system and select add booking system, there you select Google (Delegation):


Accept the scopes and login with the user


  1. Now you can log in with the user account created before:

  1. On the next page, you have to accept the scopes:


  1. Click on select all and then continue and then on SAVE:

Next steps

You can then continue the setup in the ROOMZ Portal: Booking System and Resources connection